Cambridge Technical Digital Media

Specification: OCR
Subject entry requirements: To have studied Media or Film previously would be an advantage but not a requirement

In an age of global media usage, Finham Park Media Department’s Cambridge Technical qualification is the key to industry-readiness. You will study how media products across all media platforms target specific audiences, and how the techniques they use create meaning. You’ll analyse these techniques, and learn to pitch ideas, plan them, and then create them for yourself through work-based scenarios and projects, in conjunction with local and national media professionals. Our annual film and music festivals even give you two major events to help work on as part of your work experience, dealing with real clients.

Media Technicals look at your relationship with what you view, read and play every day. Through work related briefs, you will learn to devise, plan, and create new media products, and market yourself as a media professional. The course is a unique combination of theory and contextualised practical application work. You will learn organisation skills, project management, presentation and creative skills, working with a range of industry-standard software and hardware, and our very own film, TV and radio studio set-ups. Most importantly, the course is tailored to the direction you want to take: Journalism? Radio presenter? Professional photographer? TV writer? Graphic designer? Marketing Creative? The coursework units adapt to suit your needs, and help prepare you for the career you want. And our results speak for themselves.

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