The current dress code was implemented in September 2018. In September 2021 it was reworded to become gender neutral.
Sixth Form Dress Code
Students are required to dress professionally when attending school. What you wear is a personal choice and we trust you to do the right thing following a few principles. These principles will be enforced if necessary.
Guidance (please remember these points apply within the business wear context):
- Remember you are a representative of Finham Park school and how you present yourself should reflect our values internally and externally;
- It reflects what you think of yourself and influences how others will perceive you;
- Be respectful. Dress appropriately for your subjects, your working environment, and what you are doing each day;
- If in doubt, ask yourself: “Am I comfortable that I look and feel professional when I’m at school, and is what I’m wearing is presentable and appropriate for a learning environment;
- Please remember this is a school not a college, meaning certain attire which would be appropriate at college will not be allowed;
Acceptable attire:
- Trousers, skirt or dress (of appropriate length – the school’s Senior Leadership has final discretion on this. Ask if you are unsure before buying clothes);
- Smart shirt and tie, smart blouse or top – business appropriate – please check with the sixth form team prior to purchase if unsure;
- Shoes must be formal and smart – no trainers/canvas shoes;
- Jacket/smart blazer recommended. Jumper/cardigan must be smart and plain. No hoodies.
- Piercings – Maximum one stud in each ear. No other visible piercings or ear spacers;
- Hair – Natural hair colour. No extreme unnatural hairstyles;
- Make-up – Must look natural and not applied to excess;
- Tattoos – Must not be on show at school;
- Coats – No denim;
- Belts – Smart leather or faux leather belt.
Some examples of unacceptable clothing:
- Leggings/exercise wear (unless doing practical PE);
- Shorts, short skirts, skorts, short dresses (nb. The school’s Senior Leadership has final discretion on this – ask if you are unsure before buying clothes);
- Sweatpants/sweatshirts/tracksuits/polo shirts/t-shirts;
- Jeans/denim;
- Halters, strapless tops, tank tops, open back tops/dresses;
- Sheer, see-through, lowcut apparel, holes, patches;
- Leather/pleather clothing;
- Trainers, flipflops, sandals, crocs etc. (non-business footwear);
- Headgear, baseball caps, hats (in lessons – of course you can wear a hat when it is cold outside), ear buds;
- Ripped/distressed clothing;