
Specification: Edexcel Course
Subject entry requirements: GCSE grade 7 or higher in Mathematics

The content consists of pure and applied Mathematics (2 exams for each strand). The pure content will be covered over two papers; the material for the first will be covered in Year 12 and the second paper will be more advanced content mostly covered in year 13. This will build on the skills covered in GCSE Mathematics. The applied paper will be split into mechanics and statistics and will be covered over both years.

Mathematics is useful in all areas of life but is also fascinating in its own right; Mathematics looks at some of the world’s most intricate and exciting problems and at A Level you get the tools to approach them at a higher level. A Level Mathematics supplies students with logic and critical thinking skills and will be useful and exciting regardless of where it is taken.

Mathematics is useful for all careers and university courses but will be particularly useful for courses such as Psychology, Geography, Business studies and Economics, and is vital if you are going to study a Science or Engineering at university. Courses such as Medicine will require Mathematics A level for entry.

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