BTEC Sports Coaching and Development

Specification: Edexcel
Subject entry requirements: An interest in Sport is required

Many students have the difficult decision of having to choose between A-Level PE and other subjects. The PE department believe strongly that all students should be given the opportunity to study aspects of sports in the Sixth Form. In line with this we have introduced a new course, BTEC L3 Extended Certificate in Sports Coaching and Development.

The content of this qualification has been developed in consultation with employers and professional bodies. This ensures that the content is appropriate and consistent with current industry practice to enable learners to enter employment directly in a sports coaching role. This is a career-focused qualification with industry endorsement and accreditation. It enables learners to develop underpinning knowledge and technical skills and to gain experience as an assistant coach. It is endorsed by the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) and is therefore recognised by employers as affording learners the possibility of entering employment in the job role of assistant coach in the sports sector. An example of an assistant coaching role could include assisting to coach a range of multi-skills sports activities, working with an organisation that delivers these sessions in schools and leisure centres.

Learners taking this qualification will study three mandatory units:

  • Unit A: Careers in the Sports and Active Leisure

  • Unit B: Health, Wellbeing and Sport • Unit C1: Developing Coaching Skills.
    The mandatory content allows learners to develop their technical coaching skills, supported by underpinning knowledge, and provides the opportunity for learners to relate these to the sports coaching industry.

What could this qualification lead to?
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate inSports Coaching has a primary focus on progressing to employment as an assistant coach but it might also be taken alongside other vocational qualifications or A Levels as a route to further study at undergraduate level.

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